Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What is VirtualSG About

As 2011 began, our small group is experiencing some growing pains. While we all love each other dearly and don't want our group to fall apart, several of us have taken a break in order to pursue other things: fitness, work opportunities and other Bible Studies.

This blog has been created to fill in the gap and let us continue the conversations started in Bible study, to start conversations, or to join in. My plan is to make this private, just for the members of our group. Its not private right now, give me a week to get it all set up. I also want to make this so we can all be contributors if we choose to be.

The cool thing also, you can comment anonymously if you choose to. Or you can use your google handle (I'm RangersGirl). The other cool thing...you can come here 24/7 to comment or to post (once I figure out the contributor options and pass that on to you). So...you get that ah-ha!, light bulb moment about something...share it with us. You don't have be a member, like on Facebook, as I know some people aren't on Facebook.

Give me your feedback. Do you think this is a dumb idea? Do you like the idea?

I just wanted to give us the ability to carry on a conversation, encourage each other and continue in our spiritual growth outside of Fuel and outside of Small Group.